Confusions of a Gamer: Episode 8 Odds and Ends

Greetings once again, it is I, Dean. I escaped from our (and by our I mean my) closely guarded secret duties for a little while to help us all ring in the new year with a new CoaG to read.

I wasnt really going to write anything today, because frankly Ive been busy with school, work, girlfriend, all the good junk that you already know about. Most importantly though however, is updating the forums and adding stuff in here and there for our big project in the works Im sure a lot of you can figure out what it is already, doesnt take rocket science I figure.

So anyways, this edition of CoaG isnt really formal or anything, I really just felt like writing to you guys because well, I know how much you love reading my stuff (see: pipe dreams and fantasies) and that we havent updated much these past few months so odds and ends it is.

I was sitting at McDonalds no more than an hour ago (well, itll be more than an hour ago once you read this, but at the time of my writing this, 4:18pm ET, it was an hour ago) with my girlfriend and we were eating our Le Big Macs when I overheard a group of four kids, 3 boys and a girl, aged probably around 7 or 8, talking about the games they got this Christmas for their Nintendo GameCube. They then discussed what theyre favourite game was and it turned out to be monkey ball. Eventually as most kids do, they took a poll. How many here have Nintendo GameCube they all put up their hands How many here have a GameBoy Advance? All but the girl put up their hands Whos is an SP? Two put up their hands. Who owns an Xbox? Dead silence.

Now I know that you know that in my past articles slash rants Ive given kids a hard time about gaming because they dont see the challenge or recognize the differences between the consoles / cool factor all that shit that we put up with because of targeted advertising. But I see these kids and I said to my girlfriend They know the difference between the GBA and SP, thats a first. Theres no real moral to the story except that perhaps there is hope for the new generation after all, I mean even my cousins that I wrote about many months ago are getting better. Obviously with age comes experience and tact, theyre learning it they almost beat OoT by themselves the other night got the master sword and all, without my help.

Us here at N-Sider, besides rooting that Michael Jackson will be imprisoned, and be molested by his inmates, have been busy planning for E3 as well. Its rather interesting too, as this years E3 video will be available for the first time on DVD. Which is pretty cool in my eyes, you know, the full quality non-disc swapping goodness.

That reminds me, anyone with outstanding VCD orders, theres about 4 of you they will be sent out this week. With all the elevated border restrictions it turns out my past shipments were never completed because of some stupid regulation on packaging. So theyll be sent out proper very soon. Anyone else who still wishes to buy a VCD set may email me Here.

Continuing on, Our e3 plans are progressing nicely, if anyone is attending and is pressed for a hotel room, were going to be at the Comfort Inn about a half mile from the LACC, so if youre looking for a room, theyre 71$ a night and very close And you get to hang out with us. So yeah, email me if youre going and if you want to meet the crew, thats cool with us.

So weve got a few things in the mix right now, the forums are a bit of a teaser, a bunch of other stuff is going be a nice surprise that well, I cant really talk about Glen gave a nice hint on the Ticker a while back and it works out that its a mere month away Im getting excited, and you better damned well be too. If not, Ill get the Rabid Albino Penguin to kick some sense in to your collective asses.

If you really miss my writing so much, drop me an email and Ill write some more Im just currently focusing on the forums, and as Glen said, February 2nd regular updates will resume.. So expect another CoaG and some other stuff then too. By the way, be sure to check out my N-Tunes contest in the forums right now, it's an easy and fun way to make coins, so go ahead and give it a go.

Dean Bergmann