Over at RPGamer, an interview was conducted with Nao Zook of NIS America about a variety of subjects dealing with their current productions. When asked if there was any chance for Disgaea on the Nintendo DS, the response: "Let me just say this...you can look forward to it!"

Disgaea, as a series, saw two releases on the Playstation 2. Each game gained high marks for blending traditional RPG schemes with new qualities, such as every action having an effect and an above-average difficulty. A Disgaea game was also released for the PSP in Japan and is coming to the U.S. in August, though it is not known if any similarities will exist between the handheld versions of the series.

Also, possibly at a hint of things to come, Zook was asked about NIS' other PS2 games seeing release on the PSP. Zook amended the question in his answer.

"Will NISA's other PS2 games also hit PSP? There are some ideas being discussed, but they might be on other mobile consoles..."