I don't want to scare you, but something huge is on the horizon! It's called "E3," which, when roughly translated, comes out to something like "a summer exposition during which scads of information and numerous upcoming video games are unveiled and relayed to the press and public in bombastic fashion." It's terrifying, but don't panic—N-Sider is here to help, beginning Monday, June 1st, and running through Thursday, June 4th!

Why should I trust N-Sider to help me?

To put it simply, because we're N-Sider, and we got the real-ass hookups coming your way. Our crack team of attending veteran staffers (Cory, Dean, Jeff, and myself), with a combined total of nearly twenty attended E3s, will be on-hand and ready to provide you with intelligent and opinionated coverage the likes of which you will never see at less stylish and sexy media outlets. Unlike all those "blogs" floating around which are happy to merely collect and aggregate news and links from around the webs, we promise original content from our staff writers throughout the show—because we know you love N-Sider for what we write, not what we dig up and re-post. We're even doing it up for you impatient types with a showtime liveblog and Twitter feed, in addition to our already well-oiled RSS. Biggie-sized images and summaries of Earth-shattering announcements will be taken care of by our experienced home team, who will be madly refreshing secret Internets everywhere to keep you well-informed and stimulated.

What kind of hookups you talking here?

We have private playtimes with Nintendo (and all the titles they're sure to have on display), as well as interviews—and of course, quick impressions and detailed articles from any game on the floor that we think is awesome (and some we're sure are not). In addition, now that N-Sider's focus has expanded to include games and systems made by developers other than our friends at Nintendo, you can expect impressions and stories from all across the board: in-depth impressions of some of the most anticipated titles of the holidays—including The Beatles: Rock Band and a one-on-one with Bioshock 2—are in the works, as well as coverage from Nintendo's developer's roundtable event with a guy you might have heard of called Shigeru Miyamoto, and the scoop on all the goodies at Nintendo's business reception Tuesday evening. We'll even have men on the inside for Sony and Microsoft's pre-show press conferences. All that plus N-Sider's trademarked wit permeating every tantalizing pore.

I'm ready to believe you! How do I sign up?

If you're content to hang out around here, it's taken care of. Our advanced polyalloy of a homepage will adapt to show our recent tweets from the floor on its left, complete with images and a click-through to an archive of every live post we've done since the start of the show. In the main area, the same tasty content you've come to expect, just faster and more intensely, with a drive and determination unmatched in modern times.

That said, whether you're camping our spawn or roaming the hills, there are a couple things you should do!

  1. Create an account on Twitter, and follow us. (Even if you are watching the homepage, you will want to do this for our random giveaways, one of which is definitely a Punch-Out!! t-shirt, with surely more to follow from the swag we collect on the floor.)
  2. Subscribe to our RSS feed. (This will keep you updated with all our main, original content that appears in the main area, and there's gonna be a lot of it!)

This year's promises to be one of the most exciting in recent memory. We hope you'll stick with N-Sider, because we're sticking with you. See you Monday!