[8.17] I - Takeoffs and Landings

So this is it, the first installment of Heart Containers. Since the purpose of this column is to find out what all of you are about, I guess it would make sense to let you guys in on who exactly I am, why exactly I'm here, and what exactly Heart Containers is supposed to be. In that order.

My name's Brandon, and I'm one of the fresh young upstart new hires here at N-Sider. The only ways you'd ever recognize my name are if you used to read RPGamer.com and happened to catch one of my woeful news articles there, or if you've happened to read the N-Ticker here and noticed my name above some paragraph of poorly executed humor blanketed under the guise of breaking news updates. I suppose it's also quite possible that you're one of my friends or family members, in which case I have to wonder why you're reading about me anyway. There are other things about me, too, but this column's not about me, it's about all of you. And me. I guess.

When I signed on at N-Sider, the staff asked me what I wanted to do here and how I planned to help the site. I knew I was going to be writing some news updates, but having been a reader of the site for a little over a year, I felt that a big problem with reading articles and thoughts from fellow gamers was that it was very troublesome to actually discuss gaming issues with these people. E-Mail correspondence works between one person and another, but I felt that an easily accessible and public forum to discuss and express opinions would greatly benefit the 'community' aspect of the website. That's where Heart Containers comes in.

Heart Containers is a forum for readers to vent, discuss topics that matter to us as gamers and just as people, and to stop being quiet or simply unheard in regards to our thoughts. It's a place to see what other people with similar interests have to say on a variety of topics and subjects that you, the readers, suggest. If you're looking for a place to ask questions about games, to ponder out loud when Super Truck Man 3 will be released, or to probe the staff for all they know about the exclusive special features in Game X, continue on to the site's very helpful (and devastatingly witty to the point of excruciating pain) Q&A section. If, however, you're looking for a forum to offer your insight as to the future of online gaming, the stigma surrounding controversial titles, your ideas for a certain genre of game, or a place simply to reminisce about your favorite systems, recall your fondest characters, discuss why Brandon's a boring simp and a drain on the economy, or recount the most vivid memories of gaming you have from your earlier years, Heart Containers is the place.

Since this is the first column and all, there're obviously no letters to print and no topics to discuss this time around. But what I want you all to do is send in letters about what things you'd like to see discussed in the coming weeks. Tell me what you think of the column, and what you want to see it become. It's powered by readers and opinions, and without letters, it will, for lack of a better term, suck the big rock. Want to talk about why the GameCube's controller's more comfortable than warm chicken gravy all over your body? Let me know. Got a fixation on Zelda's pointed little ears that you've never gotten over? We'll talk. Want to know what my favorite brand of generic soda is? I'll tell you. Care to tell me why the column's the most inane idea anyone's ever had in the history of the world part one? Send me a letter.

I'll print your letters in the next (hopefully weekly) installment of the column, and offer up some proverbial responses. Let's get some discussion going. Until then, keep writing.


Got a letter? Send it to brandon@n-sider.com!