[02.22] X - Alph Lyra

First of all, before you wonder why this Heart Containers is a couple days early or so, it's because I want Sunday night to be the night the new column goes up from now on. New week and new column and all that crap. Makes it easier on me since I don't have to really worry about school-work until Monday. Yeah.

This week, I got fourteen letters. To a casual reader of mister big corporate website, this might not seem like a lot. But to you, the intelligent, discriminating reader with only the highest of class and the bestest of taste, it's exemplarily scrum-diddly-umptious. Also to me it is scrum-diddly-umptious. Along with the scrum, however, goes the diddly-umptious, in this case depicted as a Brandon that will need to do lots of typing and moving and copying and pasting to bring you your fun new TENTH ANNIVERSARY INSTALLMENT of Containers. And what a way to do it, with half of the world's population having sent letters.

Numba One, Begin the Countdown

I've been thinking...what's the deal with grass? Within a week's time, it has the ability to grow the length of a porn star's penis. To be honest there are certain things in this world I don't mind an emanating sudden growth. The balance of my checking account is one such example. Then there are those other objects of sudden growth I abosolutely despise. Grass is one of them; Richard Simmons Chia Pets are another. Why the hell should I have to put up with tending my lawn every week, cutting it, just so it can grow again?

This line of thinking got me to well...thinking. We humans have the ability, or at least are acquiring the ability, to change the genetic structure of living organisms. For example, scientists have engineered tomatoes as well as other fruits and vegetables so as to better fend off insects and disease. Now why can't we do something similar to grass? Why can't we create a breed of lawn grass that will remain moderate in length, feature a vibrant green color, and dissolve dog poo? Am I really asking for too much here?!


Hiroshi Yamauchi

Your Yamauchi Wants Steak

Hiroshi Brandon says:

Well hi there, Hiroshi. Thank you for your letter. I very much appreciate it and find it only marginally disturbing.

The more I read your letter, the more true it strikes me. It really is quite upsetting that The American Government hasn't yet allowed us the secret technology to create fixed-length, dog-doo eliminating lawns. I for one think it's all just a ploy on The Government's behalf in order to get us to support the lawnmower industry.

I would love to get my hands on a Richard Simmons Chia Pet. I don't know where on Earth you ever discovered such a marvel of modern creation, but if you tell me, I will give you one free piece of steak. After I get one, I could go for some strong-arm tactics against the makers of Richard Simmons Chia Pet. They are in direct competition with my Billy Blanks Chia Pet. You in?

Wouldn't You Say

Okay, so I thought I would finally send a letter. Not much about, but something never the less. I was looking at my Gamecube library today, and it is already twice the amount mine was for the N64. Not only that, but there are so many games I'd still like to buy, but can't because I wouldn't have the time to play them.

Right now I'm playing through Price of Persia. Great game, some really cool effects. Some of it really seems inspired by Eternal Darkness, one the greatest games out there.

Another thing I wonder about is the character WaLuigi. Really, who is he and what is his purpose? All he has been used for is as an extra character in multiplayer games. He should be given some character, some more personality. Maybe even show up in a Wario game?

That's it from me. Great site, I love the new N-Data, and look forward to the new N-Universe.


That I've Been An Idiot For You

Brandon says:

I picked up Prince of Persia a few weeks ago when there was that promotion where if you bought PoP you'd get a free copy of Splinter Cell, and I couldn't be happier with my decision. After all, when Best Buy sells you a fifty-dollar game and a thirty-dollar game for only fifty dollars, suddenly you're up thirty dollars in merchandise -- in my case, a copy of Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell, a game that might be neat but one I have no interest in playing.

So then you take it to Wal-Mart and say "yeah I... got... this." and they take it from you and hand you a Wal-Mart card worth thirty bucks that you then use to get Mario Kart Double Dash for twenty.

Yeah so my original point was that Prince of Persia is one of the most entertaining games I've played in a long time. Short, exciting, and the sheer physical manifestation of 2D platforming in the so-called third dimension.

As far as Waluigi goes, I thought it should have been upside-down L u-i-g-i but I guess it doesn't work like that. There's some article I read somewhere about dual meanings of Wario or something. You should find it. Cause I'm a busy man. Busy man. LIKE A FOX

File Edit Mailbox Message Transfer

Talk about anything, huh? Let's talk about the back alley deal Nintendo and Microsoft are making...the deal that will consolidate the GameCube 2 and the Xbox 2 into one system. Microsoft has left Nvidia high and dry for ATi and Intel for IBM. Both ATi and IBM are working with Nintendo, and now their working with Microsoft. Also, its rumored that the Xbox 2 WON'T be compatible with the Xbox 1, cuz they will have different GPUs, but the GC2 WILL be backwards compatible. Then there's the fact that the Xbox 2 won't have a harddrive, which is definitely a cost issue...or maybe its a Nintendo issue? You know how paranoid the Big N can be about piracy and people hooking up their system to computers and stuff. If this is all true, then think of the benefits: Microsoft would gain a much needed foothold in Japan through Nintendo, one of Japan's most respected companies. Also, Microsoft would be able to gain access to the great Nintendo franchises/cash cows of Mario, Zelda, Metroid and Pokemon (just to name a few). Nintendo would benefit by gaining the Xbox Live network, giving them a well established online medium for such games as Mario Kart, F-Zero and Super Smash Brothers. And then there's the ironic fact that Rare would be making games for Nintendo again, which they should be all along (I mean, come on, "Grabbed by the Ghoulies" would have sold better on the Cube, and that's where it should have been). I'm not talking about a merger here (no Nintensoft or Microtendo), but just a logical joint effort between two very profitable companies, one western and one eastern. A platform like that would be more than a worthy opponent for the PlayStation 3.

blithering_madman (and I am....)

Special Tools Window Help

The Official Cheese-Filled Snack of NASCAR says:

What the response would look like if I acted as though your letter was a joke

Hahaha, oh man. That's a good one there. I mean, I haven't even heard of the rumor that the not-even-announced yet XBox 2 wouldn't be backwards compatible! Nor has Nintendo said a SINGLE THING about backwards compatibility in regards to their not-yet-announced GameCube successor! Oh man, you crack me up. Hah, hahahah! Oh and then it's even better down there where you imply that Nintendo would license out its franchises in exchange for access to the XBox Live network! Because I mean, Nintendo's franchises are like, totally! more valuable than just an online gaming network ohmigod! Dude, thanks for the letter, that was so great!

What the response would look like if I acted as though your letter was serious

Hahaha, oh man. That's a good one there. I mean, I haven't even heard of the rumor that the not-even-announced yet XBox 2 wouldn't be backwards compatible! Nor has Nintendo said a SINGLE THING about backwards compatibility in regards to their not-yet-announced GameCube successor! Oh man, you crack me up. Hah, hahahah! Oh and then it's even better down there where you imply that Nintendo would license out its franchises in exchange for access to the XBox Live network! Because I mean, Nintendo's franchises are like, totally! more valuable than just an online gaming network ohmigod! Dude, thanks for the letter, that was so great!

No but really, all me-tearing-into-this aside, you're quite a letter-writer. A straight shooter with upper management written all over him.

The DS Letter

Hi.what do you think of the DS that Nintendo is coming out with. I think it could be the coolest. What would be cool is if they used Nintendo would use the smae shape and consept of flash memory cards for their cartridges so you play movies and mp3s. And isn't there supposed to be like to modem things so you could have two games in it at the same thing or what. If you could though you could watch a movie on one of the DS's screen and then play a game on the other. Or listen to your mp3s while playing a game. that would be awsome.Bye.


Wanna Fight About It?

Brandon says:

Thoughts abound on the DS. I'm not certain myself if Nintendo's gonna take more of an "executive" approach to this or if they're going to use it solely for gaming. I remember reading somewhere that the DS is supposed to have touch-pad features on at least one screen for stylus input or something like that. I know if I could consolidate my GBA and my Palm m500 I'd be a pretty happy man.

Then there's always the possibility they're going for super deluxe media center, as evidenced by your thought that they might include MP3 or video support.

Then there's our next letter writer's theory...

Offsite Linking?!

I was on GMR Magazine's website when i discovered an interesitng story on the Nintendo DS. Please check this link out. Warning: you might forget to breathe. I hate jumping to conclusions about the DS, but i already jumped and i don't have the dagger from PoP to bring me back!


A Winnar is Me

Brandon says:

...and THAT's a neat idea. Practical though? I don't really know. Glen said it looked neat and I also say it looks neat, so that means that Nintendo will do it because our two neats combined make Captain Planet and some other pop culture references and half-hearted insults and ramblings.

Another thought I had once is that the whole DS thing is vaporware that won't ever come out and is meant only to make people forget about Sony's PSP. One never can tell.

And just then, as smoke rose from the bushes and the dark clouds overtook a darker moon, One rose from the murky swamp. "No! You can't!" But it was too late. One told.

Oh! Settlers


I wonder if you know anything about the status of Settlers V. Is the development going smooth and is it still in the pipeline for GameCube (and, of course, for Xbox and PS2)?

Thanks, and huge compliments for the wonderful look of the site and the great ideas you've got going for it.



Oh! Henry

Brandon says:

The last time I heard about that game was a couple years ago, when Ubi Soft said they were gonna do it. To be quite honest, I have no idea whatsoever as to the whereabouts of the console versions of the game, or even if they're still on track.

Wow I feel so incompetent.

For Great Mobility

Hey Brannyboy

instead of talking nonsense here's some real stuff: what do you think about games on the mobile? No, it's not something about Big-N and we will probably never see Link, Samus or Mario on these devices... but you little poor boy don't get any letters so i thought for a while (less than 5 blips) and came up with that one. Great question, don't you think? I knew you would agree. And look: such a long letter. I wanted to keep it short but as i try to explain this to you it only get's longer. And longer. Ironic, isn't it? Mobile games are soooo limited and this mail is not. But everything that has a beginning has an end. Of my own free will i put it right here ->|

Reto Senn

Move All "Zig"

Brandon says:

I'm a sad outsider to the world of mobile phone gaming. Everyone around me embraces the technology with the fervor of wild rabbits in mating season and I can't tell if it's just because they want a phone or if it's because they want mobile gaming. Myself, when I get a phone, I'll spend so much time deliberating over it to see if it has feature X or feature Y or can play Square Enix's nifty new Brave Shot game that I won't ever actually get one at all. It's very disturbing.

Nintendo mobile? Doubtful. After all, Nintendo doesn't have a track-record of using their franchises on competitor's hardware. Don't get me started on Wand of Gamelon though.

This is FUN

Dear Brandon,

One day, I went to the park. The park was not a big park, but a park nonetheless. In the park I ran into a tree. "Ouch! Said the tree." said the tree. "My, I did not know trees could talk!" I yelled at the tree. The tree grew frightened... no, not frightened, furious. "WHAT YOU SAY!?" By the time the tree had uttered this, I was escaping into a conveniently placed space shuttle, that was being prepared for launch. Minutes later I was in space. "Golly," says I. " those ants look like space creatures!". Co-Pilot Sgt. McDog (Who, despite his name implying, was not a dog, was in fact a carrot.) insisted : "Those are Space creatures!" Being quite frightened of space creatures, Sgt. McDog Leaped out and died. Back home we held a memorial party for him. It was called a funeral. At the funeral. I was dissapointed because the funeral's first name was FUN and everyone was not having fun. decided to fun things up by inviting Jolly the clown, who was not in fact a clown, but a Mime. Things got pretty messy, as carrots and Mimes don't mix, so I decided to leave this unfuneral and seek entertainment elsewhere. And that's how I got the moral of this story.



Brandon says:

As we walked past the huge Universal globe, spinning around amidst its fountainy fountain-ness, I instantly thought back to every single Nickelodeon show I had ever watched on TV. Such classics as Double Dare, Wild and Crazy Kids, and even the perennial favorite Legends of the Hidden Temple were filmed at the Nickelodeon section of Universal Studios, if I wasn't mistaken, and they always showed the big spinning globe at the end of the shows. "I'm closer than I ever have been to taking the physical challenge with Marc Summers," I thought for a split second before realizing the implications of my inner monologue's statement. Meanwhile I'm sure my family glared at me interminably as I stood, glossy-eyed, near the rail over which the spinny globe was located. All mom wanted was a picture, but I must have been looking for holy gratification or something cause I just stood there after the flash bulb stopped flashing.

You Must Save Hyrule!

Dear branden,

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Please tell me the thousand you think this one is worth.

Yours always,

The hero of time aka the wind waker aka the boy without a fairy aka the hero of legend aka the green lantern

Ex-cuuuuuse Me, Princess!!!!111

Brandon says:

Dear hero of time,

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Instead of typing a thousand of them I just made a picture.

Yours always,

Brandon aka the fool ass idiot who makes a mockery of himself on a public webpage aka microsoft paint champion aka oh good god what's wrong with me

Letter Time

Hey brandon whats up? I recently sent a letter to Nintendo about Connectivity and was wondering your thoughts on it and the idea within that I proposed. I really like Connectivity and think it has lots of potential, it's just the hardware aspect seems to detract everyones attention from it I have noticed. So with out further ado here is my letter. Maybe even pass it on and get everyones opinion at N-sider on what they think of it. Thanks

Hello, I have been playing Nintendo's games and supporting it's systems since the NES days. For as long as I can remember Nintendo has always provided excellent games for countless hours of entertainment and I would first like to say thanks for all the Hard work and to keep it up.

Now on to business, Nintendo has been really pushing the connectivity features of some current Gamecube(GC) and Gameboy Advance(GBA) games and I for one love the whole idea behind it. I believe that connectivity can add a lot of depth and/or replay value To games or entirely new ways of playing games like what we see in Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles.

Im sure that you are aware that not all has gone well for connectivity though. Many people view it as a "money grabber" while there are just as many that don't really see the possibilities of it at all. I think this is due to a lack of education on their part and that in my opinion is the fault of Nintendo itself. Clearly as it stand now there is only one and I repeat one game that takes advantage of the connectivity feature (that being Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles) with very little reason beyond that to get or use the GBA for connectivity. I think I may have a solution that would be both beneficial to consumers and Nintendo alike.

What I propose is take the best of both worlds of the GBAsp and combine it with the Wavebird controller. I have listed below some of what this new controller will include followed by some examples.

Completely Wireless for both GC control of games and link-up for GBA games

No Rumble (future models may include this, but adapters like those used for the N64 can be plugged in the Cart. Slot)

Plays all previous GB, GBC, GBA and GBA2 games Lithium ion Battery

6-button configuration plus L&R GC style shoulder buttons (click for second function)

Back-lit screen

SNES style D-pad

Headphone jack in front

Power adapter for recharging battery port in front

2 analog sticks just like the GC has setup

Emulation software allows all GB games to link-up wirelessly

Cart slot allows for future adapters like SD-cards, GC memory cards or rumble adapters

So now you have the comfort and wireless capabilities of the wavebird plus the ability to play GBA games on it since it has a screen. This acts as a controller not only for the GC but for the GBA games too so you can still take all your GBA game anywhere with you but now you have a FAR more comfortable hand grips. The wireless features let you have the freedom that the wavebird offers so you can still play link-up GBA games and still play regular GC games like you would with a regular GC controller or Wavebird. Also just like on the GBAsp have a light switch to turn the light on/off when your just using the controller for GC/connectivity games to save battery life. Of course just like the Wavebird there is a light to indicate the power left in the battery.

Your probably asking yourself "thats all great but how much will it cost? and that is a very good question. I reply with "what sells more software or hardware?" the answer is software. Just look at any gamer out there and the ratio of games to hardware is and you will find it to be like 100:1, so where do you think your going to make your money now? with the software, especially software that utilizes connectivity and maybe even some online+connectivity features. I say take the loss on the unit say $50 like the wavebird is but think of all the software that is now available to you! You get to play GBA games on this thing PLUS use it for GC games PLUS connectivity. Thank you for listening to a humble gamer like myself.


Rick R.

P.S. An ac adapter should be included too; after all we got to charge the thing!

Yes, Yes That's It

Brandon says:

That's a really long letter you sent there. You present some neat ideas about what could be done to fuse a GBA and a GameCube controller, but I think that your device just might fail on both sides due to the size. When used as a GBA, it's hardly portable, and when used as a controller, it's pretty bulky. Maybe if the parts could be separated and connected independently it'd be more feasible for Nintendo to produce. Still some cool thoughts though -- I especially enjoyed the idea of allowing SD card media. Still waiting on that Cube device, heh.

I don't think there's any question that Nintendo's next system should include wireless controllers by default, though. Boo at wires! I, for one, welcome our wireless overlords.

Y Tu Mario Tambien

You begged for it so here you go, hopefully it won't be too long.

So I'm gonning to be talking about Super Smash Brothers Melee and Mexico and there is a relevant point. Last summer I went to visit my family in Mexico, they were holding a Smash Bros. tournament at a local gaming place. I arived a week before the tournament and for a whole week for 12-15 hours a day we played nothing but Smash Bros. You could probably figure out by that time we all were extremely good. The day of the tournament my two cousins, my brother and myself all entered. The rules were no items, 5 stock and only in stages were you could not die a cheap death from the stage (like big blue). I entered the first match and won with 2 stock left, only after letting the other 62 competitors know he was easy by setting my controller down and letting him beat me up while I took a break. So after the first match all of us had advanced and I had to fight my cousin.

I knew I was dead meat. For the whole month I was in Mexico I only beat him in one fair match. He has to be the best Smash Player I have ever met. The random stage was Final Destiantion so it was a fight of pure skill. At the beginning it was pretty even but in the end he beat me pretty bad. Of course we had a lot of cheering and yelling complimenting the great fight (and some boos for our semi-cheap fighting style).

In the end my cousin won with ease and got a free game, my other cousin and brother got knocked out in the second round, and it was one of the best days of my life. So now I have to make my point! Basically I thought it was amazing that in the city were my family lives in that gaming place videogaming had arrived at a position where it seemed to be just as popular as a professional soccer match (remember we're talking about Mexico, soccer is huge for them). My cousin even met his girlfriend there. When will this spirit (for lack of a better word) for videogames reach the rest of the world?

-Ryan Nill

Ay Caramba!

Brandon says:

It's letters like these that make me proud to be a Nintendo fan and part of a website that serves to preserve their history.

Nintendo's bringing people together! Encouraging them to stay inside and play games for fifteen hours a day instead of go outside and swim in the watering hole! They're making each other fight in brutal 64-man competitions to win free things like that game Smash T.V.!

I share your sentiments about wondering when people will get really excited about videogaming on a large-scale level, but really, look how much more widespread it is today than it was, say, ten years ago. Nowadays we have Square releasing mobile phone games and offering online games, we've got Nintendo advertising on MTV, the NFL uses videogames for their Super Bowl prediction things, and there are routinely competitions in various dorms across America. It's getting better, even if Pele and Beckham aren't there to increase it to a fever-pitch.

And hey. Would you really want old people going to tailgate at the competition and cooking baked beans in the parking lot and then walking in with their little foamy seats and whining when the game was one-sided?

I guess I would cause that's funny, but that's not my point!

Another Web Comic

Heart containers is getting tragic, Brandon. SO LETS BRING IN THE SPAM! www dot vgcats dot com Go there. Its great. You love it. it make you laugh. All consoles catered for.


No Sir

Brandon says:

In the words of the horse from Ren and Stimpy, no sir I don't like it.

I think there are too many crazy retro throwback webcomics out there today and the market's overcrowded when really all you need's Penny Arcade. Not that I'm a webcomic connoisseur, but it makes me laugh and tingle in the funny parts.

The Obligatory H4x0r Letter

Now, why do people constantly blather on about Kirby? It's a mindless pink puffball of gheyness, and one of the gheyist characters you can play as in SSB:Melee. The TV show blatantly gives it away, I mean, all he does is make useless sounds and obey the supposed "forces of good". How the heck are we supposed to know if they ARE the forces of good? Now, if Kirby ate an Ork-Goliath half-breed, and a ghost afterwards, based upon last weeks Heart Containers, Kir-bee would be O|2g4smlc. See, now it's not a dirty word. Hommies. What up. f00 pWn j00/@@;;


Hang On To Your Cohesion

Brandon says:

The state of our education system is poor indeed. How lovable non-gendered creatures like little Kirby could be perceived as GAY catches me offguard, as does how exactly one is supposed to become the haxor equivalent of ... enjoying their BODY by eating an ork-goliath half-breed and a ghost. Just... you know what? I'm in a D&D campaign right now and my DM's wizard keeps casting herpes on my character. I tried to save my money up and get a rubber cloak but the DM's wizard keeps telling me it decreases the sensitivity of his magic or whatever. I don't think he knows what he's talking about.

This is a Funny Letter

Hello. Have you ever wondered what Chain Chomps are made of? Are they animal or machine? Obstacle or enemy? Whatever they are, they are more cool than you and your house.

-File Cabinet Magoo

And the Topic for Next Week

Brandon says:

You know, I was actually playing some Super Mario 64 today and as that damned Chomp came and bit Mario's face off I tried to look inside it and wondered the exact same thing. I think the Chain Chomp is probably the neatest villain ever. OH TOPIC

--- Closing Comments ---

What a crazy stream of letters. I hope you read them all and memorized them all because if you don't know the 324th word when you close this column, your privates will be shocked by death rays. For those of you who DO know it though, fear not.

Yeah whatever. The topic for next week is going to be about villains. What is your favorite villain? Why? Do you think your favorite hero could beat him? Would it be a close match? Shatner or Picard? Coke or Pepsi? Tomato or Toh-mah-to?

You guys did great writing in last week, let's keep them coming for great justice.


Got a letter? Send it to Brandon!