[12.19] XXIV - Maple Leaves

So much for the bi-weekly update, huh? So I skipped one. Call me what you will, but blame these things first: my extended illness, my starting of a new job, finals week, and as we speak, packing up for a seventeen hour drive to Pennsylvania for Christmas and New Year time.

Winter has a certain way of making you love and hate everything at very harshly alternating times. On one hand, and I guess it may not pertain to all of you since I live in Iowa and some of you live in warmer climates, I'm looking at you Florida, on one hand there's this particular allure about making the walk from the bus stop to your first class of the morning at 9:30 with just a little bit of hair still frozen and some good headphones on and some good music piping. On the other hand, you have a night like tonight where you're trying to change headlights, tail-lights, enjoying freezing hands, screaming at the oncoming frostbite, and realizing you got the wrong tail-bulbs, getting pissed at everyone around you as a result, and then being hurled forth into the still-devastating knowledge that you have clothes to pack, this column to write, and haven't showered all day cause you've been busy trying to tie up loose ends and whatnot.

Oh but I could never think of Heart Containers as a loose end! What have I ever become!

Have you all been good little boys and forty-four year old boys pretending to be girls this year? Are you playing Final Fantasy IV Advance and Animal Crossing? I know I sure am!

Last time I asked you to write in about Nintendo WiFi or something...

Jason Writes a Nice Letter    


Loved the collumn, particularly Bea Arthur swimming in a gravy boat. Maybe Estelle Getty driving a Mario Kart style kart next? XD

Anywho, my thoughts on the WiFi. I think that the DS is just SCREAMING space flight sim..with multiplayer battles...online. Doesn't necessarily need to use the touch screen, maybe for communications things, but picture it: Top screen is your view screen, seeing all the action going on around you, maybe with multiple perspectives (might be easier to switch between back, left, right, above, ect.) Bottom screen: radar, weapons controls, radio, etc.

What do you think?

Oh, Unreal Tournament would also do nicely, depending on the response to Metroid Prime: Hunters.



    How Nice

Brandon says:

Your mere mention of Estelle Getty got me going. Why just yesterday I snapped this exclusive photograph while prancing about in my snowpants on a Latin American beach:

In regards to your WiFi ideas, I am going to have to agree about the space-sim. I like space, and I like games which deal with space. Also OUTER-Space.

Unreal Tournament is an absolutely horrible idea though and I'll show you why via a conceptual mockup of what the chat-screen area would look like.


Oh Alan    

I can already envision Pokmon online. It'd either have the thrilling dialgue of abso-fucking-lutely *everyone* going '...' as you do in the game, or a lot of 'Hi potin plz!', 'Will trad jggly puff for Charzard, PM 4 details' and 'I'M tOTLLY A GRL PM PLZ 4 CYBERZ!' being shouted around.

You know it'll happen. Don't deny it.


    Shorts Are Comfy and Easy To Wear

Brandon says:


As much as it pains me to say it, you're right. It will happen.

Upon initial pondering of such a ... Pokemon online game, I feared the reaper and other such harbingers of end times. But then I got to thinking like I was when I was fourteen, and I made that picture of Estelle Getty's head pasted on Shakira's body. AND THEN I thought about Pokemon online.

I mean shit. You can't honestly say that if you were about THAT age when red and blue came out that you didn't dream you could actually be in a Pokemon world with real Pokemon and trainers and stuff everywhere. This could be as close to the real thing as anyone is liable to ever get. A living, breathing Pokemon world with actual trainers waiting to camp a spawn and haxor the elite rogue Hitmonchan with LVL.99 rock-candied MISSINGNO! How could we ever deny such greatness?

No but really. If it's done right, I'd freaking buy it, and that tells you a lot about what an idiot I am.

--- Closing Comments ---

No, that's really it. An entire month and I got two letters. If I wasn't so disgusted with myself, I'd use some of that disgust-tion on you people. I know you're probably all tired of writing in by now to a loser-face fartstone like me who doesn't appreciate you! And I'm all out of silly prizes and incentives to give you guys, really. So uh...

It would be neat, if, for the next installment of Heart Containers, you sent in the list of crap you hauled in for Christmas or Channukah or whatever holiday it is you celebrate this time of year. I'll post your guyses list and rate them on the sweet-ass rockin' scale of neat things. And don't go flaming me either saying "YOU'RE PRO CHRIST AND JEWS AND ALL THAT WHAT ABOUT FESTIVUS FOR THE REST OF US" because I will just snap. Much like Heart Containers, when it comes to religion I just don't care!

JK I love you guys


    Got a letter? Send it to Brandon!