In Capcom's booth at Barker Hangar (well, okay, it really wasn't a booth—Barker is simply full of identical gameplay stations with company representatives milling about), the highly-anticipated adventure title Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure was on display in demo form.

Zack & Wiki is a point-and-click adventure played entirely with the Wii Remote, with lengthy (and very humorously-written) dialogue and animation sequences. You can point at anywhere on the screen to have Zack go there, and you can interact with various objects by pointing and clicking on them.

Several of the objects I interacted with required me to use the Wii Remote in some fashion to make it do what I wanted to. A lever was pulled by holding the Remote vertically and pulling it toward me. I could shake Zack free from a tree he was stuck in by shaking vigorously. Several other ways to use the items in the game based on Remote movement and button presses manifest themselves, as well.

We plan to cover the Zack & Wiki demo in more depth soon, so stay tuned for our full preview coming later.