LucasArts announced yesterday that LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga is coming to all major platforms, including Wii and DS.

The Complete Saga gives players the chance to play through all six Star Wars movies in one game for the first time. Building on top of the puzzles and humorous story of the last two titles, The Complete Saga adds new characters, levels, and features. Character customization is now upgraded, allowing all characters from the prequel movies to be altered, allowing for cross-movie mashups (like Lando Watto). Levels from the first two games are also being retooled to fit the new standards of the franchise, with redesigns and new additions, such as 10 additional bounty hunter missions.

LucasArts says each version of the game will also play on the strengths of the platform. For DS owners, exclusive touch screen actions and puzzles await, and Wii gamers will have motion-sensitive controls. The game is not yet rated and due for a fall release.