Crateria: Winding tunnels, large caves and narrow passages of mostly-exposed stone. Here and there, tufts of subterranean grass sprout in the dim light. Life is concentrated in the underground as the barren surface is drenched in acid rain.

Brinstar: Deep below the surface, the caverns of Zebes burst with life. From floor to ceiling, every surface is covered in alien jungle. In places, the air is thick with drifting spores and the buzzing wings of insectoid creatures.

Norfair: Travel deeper into Zebes' labyrinthine crust, and the air shimmers with intense heat. Magma seeps into the tunnels and acid collects into bubbling pools. And yet, here in this inhospitable environment the Chozo people once lived, the ruins of their civilization are all that remain.

Wrecked Ship: The ruins of a long abandoned spaceship lie upon the Zebesian surface. Within, all is deceptively quiet, save for the hostile Coverns which haunt the darkened halls. Returning power to this hulk will dispel the ghostly menace but awaken other dangers.

Maridia: These flooded caverns serve as Zebes' ocean. Stone gives way to sand. Within the heart of this abyssal world, the Space Pirates built a lab where they have created artificial versions of the deadly Metroids.

Tourian: The heart of the pirate presence on Zebes is nestled here—or should I say the brain? A high-tech fortress, it is prowled by dangerous aliens and guarded by laser turrets.