While those of us with day jobs were sleeping, Nintendo was holding a conference over on their home turf where they unveiled the DSi, the latest in the Nintendo DS line.

The DSi will be available in Japan in both white and black colors November 1 for ¥18,900, which works out to $180 at current exchange rates—but it's only about 13% more expensive than the DS Lite sells for in Japan, so we could see DSi for less here. Maybe.

Features of the new hardware include:

  • Very slightly thinner, a little longer, and a whopping 4 grams—less than 2%—lighter than DS Lite
  • Screen size increased by ¼", battery life reduced 25-50% over DS Lite
  • Additional indicator light for wireless communication
  • Power button on the inside of the unit
  • An SD slot on the side where the DS Lite's power button is
  • 0.3 megapixel camera (likely VGA or 640×480 resolution)
  • A new interface including new software such an AAC (not MP3) music player and photo-editing software for the camera
  • A new DSi Shop featuring downloadable titles purchasable for 0-800 Nintendo Points, Wii Points' new moniker
  • DSi Shop will have a new web browser available
  • Slot-2 is gone—no more GBA games or Option Paks—but can play both DS software and new DSi software

Regional Nintendo offices in Europe and the U.S. have conferences of their own that will be taking place very soon; hopefully, we'll have some more details then about what we can expect regarding DSi as customers outside the Land of the Rising Sun.