This week, we answer questions about S-Video, Wario World, Nintendo in Japan, and much more. Remeber to send in your questions to


I recently purchased a DVD player which came with a s-video input. My question now is, how much of a difference in graphics does the s-video cable actually do? Thanks.
-Ricardo Arenas

Josh: You'll definitely notice an improvement when using S-Video as opposed to standard composite cables; an S-Video picture will generally be sharper with better-defined colours. S-Video is not up to par with a component set-up, but if you've got the means, it's definitely recommended over composite.

Wario World: recommended?

Hey guys, have a question for you. I was thinking about buying Wario World but i've heard from several sources that it is quite short and relativly easy. So how long did it take you all to finish it, cause i dont want to waste 50 dollars on a game i can experiance in one week from Blockbuster

Josh: I have not played the title yet personally, but judging from what I've heard from mostly everyone (reviewers, friends, and everyone else), I would strongly recommend renting this game first, as the estimates I've heard regarding completion range anywhere from 3 to 7 hours depending on your skill. If you rent it and cannot beat it in the time before you have to take it back, perhaps then it's time to buy.

Keeping up the momentum

Guess I was right saying that GCN didn't need a price cut in order to boost sales in Japan. A logical killer app finally helped boost weekly sales to what it should have been the past year! But I'm still sticking with my suggestion to make a FF:CC special bundle with the GCN to really boost Nintendo's image in Japan. Plus with up coming games like Tales of Symphonia, Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes, F-Zero, and Resident Evil 4 it looks like Nintendo might start getting the respect it deserves and finally solidify that #2 spot worldwide. Now if they can only make or announce a Golden Sun GCN game and/or SSBM: online that would really be a great killer app. By the way does anyone know how many GCN have been sold worldwide so far? Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!
-Mike S

Josh: Your reason cited for the GameCube's dramatic Japanese sales increase is not quite correct, Mike; the release of the Game Boy Player and a small price cut for the GameCube are what fueled sales the most. Also, a FF:CC bundle is going to be released -- haven't you heard of the white GameCube?

Bubble Bobble

I know N-Sider usualy leans towards console related news. But I was hoping you could answer a question regarding a GBA game. Anyway, I did a quick scan of your GBA release dates and couldn't find Bubble Bobble listed. So I was wondering if you knew when or if Bubble Bobble was coming to North America? I'm sure I heard some where that is was. Was it scrapped? Thanks

Josh: It's allegedly still coming, but no release date has been set; you'll find it on some sites as "TBA 2003", but since we deal generally with games that have known months of release, it doesn't appear on our list. As soon as a more concrete date for the game is announced, we'll have it listed. For the record, I do think it's still coming.

Viewtiful import?

Is Viewtiful Joe import-friendly? I really don not want to wait til October...
-Mike Krezner

Josh: Very much so. Most of the Japanese in the game is subtitled in English, and many of the game's menu screens are done in English as well. Anyone with a little common sense could easily navigate through the occasional rough spot.

Difficult GBA games

When the GBA first released I bought the Castlevania COTM game and really enjoyed playing it, even if the graphics and lighting weren't up to par with the other games at launch. The game was still a very challenging, lengthy title and I haven't found a game to match it yet. Just that sense of accomplishment after beating a tough game. What other games out there match this? I've played metroid fusion and it was a great game but it only lasted four hours. I'm just looking for a lengthy, tough, enjoyable game on the GBA Thank you, great job with the site,

Josh: First off, have you tried the other two Castlevania titles? Reportedly, they are both comparable to the first in terms of difficulty. You may also want to try Golden Sun (both editions), Advance Wars (again, the original and the recently-released sequel), The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past, any of the Tony Hawk games, and Pokemon -- all acclaimed games that have serious replay value. Those are just off the top of my head, of course; there are certainly other worthwhile titles to check out as well.

Nintendo commercials

It is quite refreshing seeing all these television advertisements for upcoming Gamecube exclusives. Besides the already confirmed batch of commercials, I've most recently seen the one for Soul Calibur II--obviously shinning the spotlight on Link. Furthermore, just a few nights ago I was watching late-night TV and it seemed like in every commercial break there was a GCN advertisement; be it the new "heart monitor" ads or the one for the free demo disc offer or the occasional Wario World one.

As a Nintendo fan who started out with the NES, this latest advertising blitz brings a smile to my face. As far as I can remember Nintendo has never advertised multiple games like this. This is good, it's one of the progressive baby steps Nintendo is taking to change its image and start kicking ass in its own business.

If this trend continues, and it better, my mouth can only salivate at the possibilities of cooler and more persistent advertisements for Nintendo's next console and games. Aren't you guys glad to see Nintendo taking little positive hops amidst their not-so-cozy current situation? Sincerely,
-Mutoid Man

Josh: I wholeheartedly agree -- I was just as excited as you to see the sudden smattering of Nintendo commercials (and half-decent ones, at that) on the television. It's definitely a sign that Nintendo of America may finally be initiating some changes in their infamously-aloof advertising and marketing department, and hopefully we'll see this continue. Improving awareness and the general image of the GameCube and the company itself is the first step towards Nintendo positioning itself as more of a direct competitor to Microsoft and Sony next time around.

Q&A By: Josh Righter.

Send your questions for next week's Q&A!