Animal Crossing
2002 Nintendo

You sleepily open your eyes, and take notice of your lovely room. Nick-knacks line the shelves and walls so neatly, your mother would be proud. You trudge towards the front door and grab an apple for breakfast. Walking outside, you smell the fresh morning air, and promptly begin your morning stroll. On the way you meet up with your neighbor, who kindly tells you all about the experience he had the day before at the local festival. You smile, wish him a happy afternoon, and continue on your stroll. After working hard at your job (running errands for your boss) you feel the need to relax. A quick run to the local lake is all it takes to relax you on a day like today. Just you, your fishing rod, and a lake full of fish. Perhaps, you imagine, you could now afford to buy that nice dresser you saw at the local store with all the money youre making? Walking home after your soothing time at the waters edge, you take time to talk to the local police-man, who wishes you a good evening. As you say goodnight to your neighbors (who are also heading to bed in turn) you wonder what you will do the next day.

You have just experienced a day of Animal Crossing. In fact, that is a shortened version of what could happen to you in this game where life can parallel yours, and anything could change as time passes. Will you wake up tomorrow to find a new visitor has moved in? Will you discover a new treasure? Will your friend Tom Nook have a shipment in for you from a real-life friend? This is what Animal Crossing is all about. A real-time game, that focuses on real-time happenings. You go to bed, so do the inhabitants of the village. Stores close at night as they should, festivals happen on specific days just like in real life, and you develop relationships with friends both real and virtual. This game is like no other. Lets see what the verdict is from the council.


  • Real-time clock means your time is the time in the game
  • Unpredictable events keep things fresh
  • Lots of NES games to collect and play
  • Hundreds of small details such as message recognition
  • Compatible with E-Reader and GCN/GBA link cable.

Jason Nuyens: Why no score you ask? Its really quite simple. I dont think I could give this game a number based off of two weeks of play. To give it a score at this point would be unfair, and to wait months before writing a review would be bad timing. So instead I will tell you how it is in words.

First thing you need to know about Animal Crossing is that it begins to play with you as much as you play with it. The real time system really does change the rules of play. If youre done hanging out with the gang at 9:30, you will try and run home so you can make it to Tom Nooks on time. Sunday morning will have you rolling over sleepily to try and meet Joan, the turnip saleswoman, on time. In my opinion this is a good thing. How often do you actually feel like there is time passing by somewhere even without you there? Not often, which makes this game one of the most unique titles ever to be released in any territory.

Play the game with friends, and you will have more fun. Its a simple point for sure, but I cannot stress it enough. I can assure you that the value of the game goes up significantly when you have other people active in your town (and by other people I mean human players). Doing simple things like leaving funny notice board messages, trampling well placed flowers, and gouging prices for furniture, are really things you need multiple people for. Myself, I am playing this game with two other people regularly. This games fun would have dropped significantly if I had not had the chance to play with them. I may wake up in the morning, turn on the game, and find that my brother has left garbage at my doorstep, and a message on the town message board saying Thats for taking my pears Jason! Even though I was just spat on, it was fun to experience that kind of connection and interaction.

To buy or not to buy. That is the question. One of the main reasons I didnt put a score was that this game really is something different to everyone. Everyone will have a different town, villagers, and subsequently a different experience. If you love a laid back gaming experience, that promotes communication and patience then snatch this up right away. Everyone else should rent first. Ive been playing for more than 2 weeks straight and I think I will be playing for many many more weeks to come.