Oh, how society has changed over the years. Why, back in my day, we had standards, young ladies dressed appropriately. If a girl did something likewear sandals that showed her toes, we stoned her to death! Times have changed however, and you got the girls in the mini-skirts and the tight shirts with the boobs jiggling and what-notwell, its a darn shame I say! At this rate, in 10 years, well all be bare-assed and having sex in the streets!

Did I act like this was a negative thing? Umm—can I hear a Hell No?! Why, if young ladies—wait, let me rephrase that—hot young ladies, want to strut their stuff, then let them; encourage them. And boy are they. Of course, this stems from the increasing amount of sex portrayed on television and in movies. In other words, it has become part of our pop culture. When you watch television, what do you see? Sex. Watch a movie? More sex. Surf the internet? Sex sex sex!!! And Ive just got one question: why haven't video gamers gotten in on this action!? Our youths have become so desensitized, why is it so wrong to have naked women and sex scenes in video games? We've already beat out TV and movies in the violence department—I mean, parents blame video games for child shootings, fighting, bed-wetting; you name it. So why not give them one more thing to bitch about? We have the ratings system, so why should it be so controversial to have video games portray sex openly?

Video games have changed a lot, just in the past 5 years. Graphics are becoming more and more detailed, and thus, video game characters have much more human qualities. Some even have celebrity status. And yet when it comes to sex, were still limited to 6th grade level innuendo. Take a look at Grand Theft Auto 3, one of the most mature video games of our time. You are a criminal, performing tasks for various gangs and mafias, and killing hundreds of innocent and not-so-innocent people, and yet, the closest thing they have to sexual content is picking up a hooker and watching the car shake. Ya, I get it, its meant to be humorous, but the fact that we find such sophomoric sex jokes humorous illustrates just how far behind video games are! The fact that we blush at something like that being shown in a video game and yet sit there callously as we gun down innocent people—doesn't that seem a little hypocritical? And if, we had a movie as mature, we showed a car shaking but didn't show anything else—wouldnt we go, "why wouldn't they show anything?" The fact is, if a game is rated Mature, then they should'nt make an attempt to censor themselves. The sad fact of the matter is, however, people are actually boycotting sexually explicit games!

BMX XXX is a perfect example. I cannot give personal reference, as I have never played the game, but basically, its a Mountain Biking Tony-Hawk style game that shows womens boobs and has mature humor. And it does have a Mature rating. And most stores boycotted the game for this!! It has topless, not-so-beautifully rendered women and cut-scenes of women stripping—and the jokes are laughable at best—nothing any 13 year-old kid hasn't heard before. Why are people targeting video games, when sex is so free in society? Scapegoating. They pick on video games because they can. The movie and television industries are way too powerful for these anti-sex groups to have any affect, so they target video games. Its so stupid.

In the end, I hope what these people are trying to do to restrict sexual content in video games blows up in their face, just like it did with the violence issue. Remember all the hoopla about the blood in Mortal Kombat? They targeted that so harshly, and made it popular in the meantime. So what happened? Games pushed the bar farther and farther, until games became a breeding ground for violence. If these groups become so unforgiving that they scream murder every time a game hints towards violence and sex, they only encourage it. Controversy encourages behavior; it doesn't discourage it.

I digress however. The fact is, games should become just as sexually explicit as film and television. I want to see it. I'm a man, its my nature to want to see womens boobies and whatnot. When I buy a mature game, I don't want artistic expression as Ill call it, to be limited just because some people consider it inappropriate. And I'm sure many agree with me. I admit it; I love playing violent games. Sometimes, in GTA Vice City, Ill just go around for hours and chainsaw people into pieces. I'm a human being. I exercise my right to perverse pleasure. And I think developers should start making video games that give us this same perverse pleasure in sexual content. I mean, come on guys. I know at least 7 out of 10 of you wasted hours on end trying to get 100% on Metroid Prime *just* to see Samus in a bikini. Why? I cant explain it; I'm not a psychologist. But Metroid Prime has a mature rating, and were limited to that. If, at the end of the game, it showed Samus shed her suit and run around naked, parents would be up in arms about it. They're just boobs people! Most women today walk around in clothes that don't leave much to the imagination. And video game characters have become the same way. So if you're gonna hit it out of the ballpark, at least go all the way to home plate!

Theres another point that I was going to leave out, but Ive never censored myself around you people before, so why should I start? Sometimes, I'm in the middle of playing my video games, when an urge comes over me. You know, that feeling deep inside; a tingling sensation that seems to ride down your spine, and straight to the genital region. Yes sir, it is at this moment I am horny. I need to relieve the tension that is building up, but I'm busy playing video games. Unfortunately, I do not have a very good imagination, so just doing it right then and there just wouldn't work. I need content. I look around—no magazines. Wheres that damned video?! My dad stole it again! What do I do now? I go to my internet porn, and away I go. If the video games could have fulfilled my urges, maybe I wouldn't have gone to the internet. You know who you support when you go to porno websites, don't you? Thats right, terrorists! Wait—thats drugs—oh, I know! You support child molesters! You're supporting unregulated sexual content, where age means nothing. Yes, one day, because bastards like me gotta do a little "self gratification", your little sister could be performing these acts. My point is, video games and movies have an element of role-playing in them. Role-playing is a natural element of humanity. And often, video games give us the opportunity to role-play as larger-than-life characters in worlds that could never exist in real life. Its an outlet; a healthy outlet. Many people have taken out their violent aggression in video games—so why not their sexual frustration as well? Hey, the women may be pixilated, but if I can role-play as someone that could get women that hot—then maybe I wouldn't have to resort to images that are all-too real. I'm not talking about masturbating here—I'm simply talking about giving us pathetic men a chance to act like people we will never be. Why are the Sims activities in relationships so simplistic? Because going any farther would be too far for activists standards. And, it is sad to say, for many, playing video games is the only thing they have that makes them feel normal. Thats who sex and violence is marketed to. The people who have no lives are the people that need this kind of stuff. Without it, what do they have left?

Perhaps I'm over-dramatizing a bit. Maybe I just want to see some hot, dirty sex in my video games. Or maybe, just maybe, I want video game characters to become more real, to cater to those who need escapism to survive in this cruel, dark world. Will that breed a generation of sick, perverted minds? Oh, I think we accomplished that feat a LOOONG time ago. So just give me my sex please.