Anyone who followed the fan translation of Mother 3, which was released last October (and reviewed by yours truly shortly thereafter) likely recalls the Mother 3 Handbook project, an effort to create a full-color, official-looking strategy guide for the English version of the game. I am happy to report that after nearly six months, the books are printed and shipping out! My copy came yesterday, complete with the specially-made pewter Courage Badge keychain and a reversible dust-jacket.

Visually this thing's a stunner. The website states that "thousands" of hours were spent writing, editing, and arranging the 240-page book, which I don't doubt in the least. They even built over 50 clay models to photograph for the book (shrewdly emulating the style of the original Earthbound's instruction manual/strategy guide).

Every ounce of this thing oozes polish and care. It unquestionably surpasses even most official guides I've seen (and I've seen a fair number of them). I'd recommend checking out some sample pages or just picking one up over at Fangamer (you could do a lot worse with twenty bucks). Continue reading for a few more pictures of the book and its dual-sided dust-jacket.

Thanks to the people at Fangamer for following this whole project through to the end!