Following the earlier release of screenshots for Mobile Suit Gundam: MS Sensen 0079, Namco Bandai unveiled a trailer on the Wii game's official Japanese website.

The trailer shows a variety of weaponry that will aid players through this first person shooter. The first is a laser sword, controlled by holding the A button on the Wii remote and making key movements, such as an scoop upwards that will thrust the sword up into the opponent. The laser sword is also notable since it appears to be the main form of defense, letting you block attacks. In one scene from the trailer, the enemy and lead character are stuck in a sword hold. A gauge appears in the right and the player must waggle the controller back and forth to overpower the enemy. Another weapon, the main rifle, was shown in both a standard shooting mode and a sniper mode, where the character picks off an opponent with a headshot. Finally, a submachine was also displayed in action.

Fighting takes place throughout a range of locales, including plains, forests, and bases, with both day and night scenes taking place. Different characters are shown dueling it out in the trailer, some allies and some enemies. Luckily, this shows up on the HUD. The immediate HUD, located in the center of the screen, shows a life bar to the left, angle of view, a thrust gauge, the reticule, and time remaining in certain situations, such as during a boss fight with a giant ship with four extended landing legs. Outside of this immediate HUD, a map is in the bottom left corner with the bottom right corner reserved for showing weapon information, such as ammunition and charge. Character portraits appear from time to time in the top left corner, showing what character is speaking in the game. Outside of the single player missions, a versus mode is also shown, taking place with a horizontal split screen. Suits can be customized here, including color choices and pilot.

Japanese Wii gamers will be able to pick up the game on July 26. No U.S. release date has been set at this time.