Verb: Wave

Waving can take many forms. From smooth, poetic movements to chaotic, stressful combat. It can be in a variety of directions — up, down, left, and right as well as forward, backward, and diagonally.

Pick up your controller and simply move it through the air. Of course, not just in any old way, but something like the following, so your waving means something.

Waving a Baton

As a conductor, you could take your controller and move your hands through the air and direct your musicians.

Tetsuya Mizuguchi might find this an appealing way to control the next iteration in the Rez series, a 3D scrolling shooter. Imagine destroying your enemy with simple movements of your hands. You conduct your musicians in a strange flight and fight of musical prowess, channelling power though motion.

Waving Food and Utensils

Imagine yourself as a chef of a famous restaurant. The controller is your knife, your spoon, your hands.

In Mario's Pizzeria, it's your responsiblity to make sure that you have the proper ingredients ready for your dishes. You get to work, your hands flailing in the air as you chop and slice green pepper, onions and tomatoes. This is going to be a pizza that would make Papa Luigi proud. Sautée, chop, dice, slice, and flip. There's no one with more finesse in the kitchen than you.

Waving a Magic Wand

Holding the controller in your hand, direct magical energy at on-screen targets by waving it in their direction. You've already drawn the rune, now cast the spell itself with a wave of your wand in the direction you want it to go.