EA's latest venture into the casual gaming market is yielding Wii's first trivia game. Combining age-targeted trivia with action-based gestures, EA hopes the whole family will join in on the fun.

"The experience isn't just about who can press a button the fastest, it's about getting the whole family up off the couch to get their minds and their bodies engaged," said Daniel Hagerty, Producer at EALA.

The game features questions which are specific to each player's age, evening the playing field for all ages. The game also tracks answers and correspondingly changes the difficulty based on performance across 20,000 questions in multiple categories. Aside from just questions, though, Wii gestures are being implemented to "make everything a game," including spinning a category wheel, tug-of-wars over a correct answer, and even dance competitions to win additional points. Along with competitive and collaborative modes, a specific family mode is included as well where everyone must beat the clock, as well as a rapid competitive mode for groups of friends.

EA's trivia game is being produced at EA Los Angeles and developed with help from Planet Moon Studios. An official title for the game will be revealed soon. It will be available this holiday season.