Guardian Unlimited recently had the opportunity to speak with game developer Will Wright, creator of Sim City and The Sims. Below are a few choice quotes.

  • When asked about the general attitude toward video games, Wright said, "In some sense I think the cultural acceptance of games is inevitable just because people are going to have grown up having this technology."
  • He wasn't always creating god-games! "My first game was a shoot 'em up, but when I designed it I found that creating the world I was going to blow up was more interesting than blowing it up — that's where I came to Sim City."
  • Wright loves the DS and Wii! "The only next gen system I've seen is the Wii — the PS3 and the Xbox 360 feel like better versions of the last, but pretty much the same game with incremental improvements."
  • Finally, Wright confirmed at last that Spore is coming to Wii. No details were revealed other than its existence. For the uninformed, Spore is a game where players create their own species, beginning with a single-celled organism, and eventually move on to conquer space.

Q&A: Will Wright, creator of the Sims (Guardian Unlimited)