As I went to output a couple mugshots from the Wii U Mii Maker for.... various uses... I was STUNNED!!!! to find that not only was my dumb old face notably higher res, but it featured some astonishing new elements.

Inline Image

Check out that fuckin' beard! The power of polygons, bros and broettes. Got some sophisticated armpit rendering in there too, and a decidedly upgraded and proprietary hair-lighting engine to go with my freshly inked black frames. They've also seen fit to reduce my ghostly pallor just a shade—perhaps there is more natural light in the Wii U version of the Mii Maker.

But HEY what's going on with the hairline at the bottom there? That's not a mere rendering difference, that's actually an alteration to the hair model. I'm not entirely sure I'm in favor of the change in this particular instance, but there it is nonetheless! It would appear that the Wii U bits and pieces are tweaked hither and thither vs their 3DS counterparts—I wonder how extensive the tweaks are throughout the entire set.

Someone should do a comprehensive comparison, because I'm sure not gonna!

Check back tomorrow for another mind-blowing Wii U secret!