Posts with tagged with "eshop"

  1. I don't usually do this, I really don't. I hate stories on the Internet that make me watch videos, cause I am often at work, or on my phone, or whatever, goddammit I do not want to watch the video. But just this one time, I promise, would you watch this video before we do this? I wanna talk to you about it a little bit. So, I mean, if you could spare a minute and a half, just click it up.
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  2. Did you ever play Pokémon Snap? When I was a little younger (but not so young it would have been socially acceptable), I used to play that game with my stepbrother all the time. There was something interesting about the way you'd have to time each picture just right, take advantage of the best opportunity to get a good snapshot. You had to conserve your pictures cause you could only take so many on your rolls, and you had to know what was coming and the little tricks to get the monsters to come out.
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