Day 5: Nintendo's Position

The views and opinions expressed below are not necessarily representative of those held by N-Sider as a whole.

Winding down the whole problems week theme here at N-Sider, we turn our focus towards Nintendo. Now Im sure many of you are expecting me to say that Nintendo has excessive amounts of problems this generation. Well, believe it or not, Im not here to give that argument. I feel that Nintendo themselves are not even really the reason for their position right now. They have tried hard to deliver the best software possible through first, second and even third party exclusives. Still Nintendo is getting the short end of the stick in terms of support.

The truth of the whole deal is that Nintendo, in short, can not win anymore. The only way they can "win" a console war now is to change what they believe in fundamentally. Only by dropping "everyone" games will they be able to compete for the same mature gamer dollars. Only by adopting a universal marketing campaign of "too cool for school" will they be accepted as serious. Only after raping their established franchises will they lose their kiddy image. Nintendo, in essence, would have to look like Xbox does on advertisements and in software (as in themes). Obviously this is just not Nintendo.

You could sit here and whine about how if only Nintendo had marketed such and such the right way it would have worked, but you know the true answer. The true answer is that if Nintendo changed their image to super cool then they wouldnt even be Nintendo anymore. If Miyamoto was forced into making a mature game, it would no longer be the Miyamoto we know and love. Nintendo is a company that strongly believes in software that everyone can play. Everything about them says this, even how they offer multiple console colors for differing tastes. The only way they are ever going to reach PS2-like stature is by dropping that idea and going straight cool. Why would you want Nintendo to do that? Is it so they can sell as many consoles as Sony? Is it so you dont have to feel insecure about telling people you own a Nintendo product? If I had a friend that really believed in something like God, why would I want to see society force him into losing his vision and give it up?

Nintendo is Nintendo. They make games with colorful characters, lively worlds, and the best damn fun factor you have ever seen. Nintendo has made mistakes, and will continue to make them. However, Nintendo is ten times the Nintendo it was during the N64 age. We have things now that we dreamed for with N64, and still what has changed in terms of public acceptance? I suggest that you understand the following very quickly, unless you really want to start feeling bitter in the future: Nintendo cannot win. The only way they could win is by changing who they are fundamentally. But all they have to do is start advertising a different image! False. Advertisements are not enough to change Nintendos position. They would have to change primarily from the core. Were talking about an industry that had Xbox fans years before Xbox was even released, embraces GTA as its ambassador, and rewards rehashes and garbage software such as Tony Hawk 17. In short, having faith in casual gamers is the worst mistake you can possibly make. Go see how many people out there forced themselves into believing Metroid Prime and Mario Sunshine are crap. Nintendo, as an artistic company, can not win. Get used to it now. Just enjoy their games and be happy that things are actually getting better! We now have great software on the way, and its going to be a great gaming year.

So, needless to say I dont agree with the general stance on the industry. Constantly going Come on Nintendo, do something! is all I hear from die-hard Nintendo fans. A scary amount of people would rather have Nintendo sacrifice everything they stand for in return for console sales. What the heck is up with that? Get used to Nintendos position as a boutique console vendor. They still make lots of cash, and can deliver the best games on the market. It just means youre going to hear people at the mall talking about Tony Hawk 17 instead of a Nintendo game you have at home that you know is inherently greater. Be happy that you know where you stand, and so does Nintendo. Nintendo has committed itself catering to us in the next console generation and beyond. This is good! Just dont get yourself worked up on public acceptance. You will just end up looking like an armchair expert and a bitter fan.

Speaking of advertising Saying that Nintendos advertising isnt good enough is only a half-truth. The Metroid commercial was absolutely incredible. It created a lot of awareness in the public (albeit for a short period of time). The funny thing is that people complain about the commercial and say it had flaws. If the game had sold millions they would have been singing a different tune about the exact same commercial. They would have been saying those weaknesses were strengths and that Nintendo should do it more often. The point is that as an armchair expert, and by having perfect hindsight vision, you end up sounding like a flawed know-it-all. People originally saw the Metroid commercial and said Now thats what Im talking about! That is until the sales rolled in where they promptly changed their song and started saying Nintendo needs to make better advertisements. Give it a rest. The problem is that most people are trying to throw everything at the wall to see what sticks. Youre just hoping that some day something will stick for Nintendo. Well Im here to tell you that its not going to happen. Many also say GTA only became popular in the last couple years so anything can happen. This point is moot as well. I mean, there are countless high quality games that go practically un-noticed, and not because of bad-advertising.

Basically we are beyond the days where games sell themselves. Back in the day, a game would sell itself on word of mouth over its quality. Today we have new things like image and graphics to compete with. The most people seem to be concerned about is image. You want Nintendo to be cool, and youre not going to stop until they beat the snot out of everyone in sales. Dont put yourself through that. Think of this:

When you go to get a movie on tape, guess what format its in? VHS. Why not Beta-max? After all, Beta is a better quality format, is it not? My dad asked me last night why I dont have a Playstation. I said What do you mean? He said to me Playstation is the best selling machine is it not? As if to insinuate that Im a fool for not having one. I just shook my head. This is the exact kind of thing that the industry is dealing with. Sales are somehow everything now.

On the flip side, I will agree that Nintendo doesnt market enough (as in how many times a commercial is in rotation.) Nintendos advertisements themselves arent really a problem to me though. There are certain problematic ones like Mario Sunshine, but for the most part they are fine. People really have to give up this idea that Nintendo is going to miraculously shed this image of teh kiddy. Just because Yamauchi and Iwata say nobody can say what will happen in this industry it doesnt mean something good for Nintendo. This industry let dreamcast die (beyond Segas problems, it was arguably the best system to be released in the history of videogames). This industry has embraced coolness over everything else. The numbers dont lie, so take a brief look at the games that sell: Splinter Cell, GTA, Metroid, Onimusha, etc. Heck, I know people that told me they would not buy a Nintendo system if Nintendo announced even one Pokemon game for it. Thats what were dealing with. People who are so stuck on image that they need to be able to feel good when talking with their crew.

Im tired of blaming Nintendo for everything myself. Its becoming more and more evident now that the gaming population has just changed for the worse. Games make a console, yes. If Nintendo had all those third party games they would surely be up there. Problem is that the snowball started rolling for Sony and wont stop until the entire industry is swallowed with it. And dont even get started on Xbox and how Microsoft will gladly lose billions on it just to compete. There is such a thing as the point of no return. Thats exactly where Nintendo is at. The only way they can turn that around is: A) Swallow up Capcom, Sega, etc. or B) whore themselves out to compete next generation (i.e. be an all-in-one box that has that too cool Xbox image and exclusively mature first party games). Saying anything can happen is just a pipe dream. Casual gamers hear Nintendo and think kiddy. That is the cold hard truth youre going to need to come to terms with.

One more thing: I love Iwata so far. I really do. But he said one thing so far that really had me shake my head. He said if they can release GameCubes successor next to Xbox-2 and PS3 that it will be a whole different ball game. This is absolutely false. It takes more than timing to break that brick wall. Nintendos good quality games image is all but gone and replaced with teh kiddy. Nintendo has gone to great lengths to organize deals for Resident Evil, Capcom 5, Starfox Armada, F-Zero, Silicon Knights, Retro Studios, etc, etc. So once again: Nintendo can not win. Just be happy with their games and move on. I mean, its not all bad.

Take this year as an example. Nintendo has one of the most incredible line-ups this year even before knowing their secret titles. Nintendo is set to put us in the poor house even more than last year. So why would you waste your time thinking Nintendo can become the next PS2 when it doesnt even matter? They are making money and happen to be bringing arguably the best software line-up of the three consoles this year. Play the games, have fun, and be happy. Be happy that things are getting remarkably better for Nintendo players as each month passes. Games from Nintendo, Capcom, Sega, and even Squaresoft are in the pipe and almost ready to be enjoyed. Its a time to be happy about being a Nintendo gamer!

Jason Nuyens